Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Breakfast for Supper

   The plan was for Steve and Barbara to cook breakfast for the crew some morning.  The weather would not cooperate; too cold and too rainy.  Postpone, postpone.  Finally, time was running out on the first session, so it was rescheduled for Saturday evening.
   Saturday evening turned out fabulously.  The weather was sunny and warm.  The guests came happy and hungry.  The food was classic; scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, fruit salad, home-made biscuits, and Spam !  I can;t tell you the last time I have had that classic treat from Armour in Austin, Minnesota.  I remember  my Dad cooking Spam sandwiches for us for lunch.  Yumm!
   Steve likes his Spam well-done.  Crispy.  The food was plentiful and great.  Everyone had a great time and no one left hungry.   The social side of this location is the reason we come here year after year.

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