Monday, February 15, 2016

Lincoln 2/13/2016

    Saturday was a fun day at the ranch.  The morning quiet as usual, but the afternoon was really busy.  The blue skies and 75 degree weather helped bring out the visitors.
    As I headed from the pool house (where we rest, eat lunch between tours) I noticed a Lincoln Continental convertible in the parking lot.  It was just like LBJ's cars so I was curious about it.  I found the owner in the hanger and asked him about his car.  He was only to happy to share with me the story.  Car people love to talk about their cars.
     He found it sitting in a barn covered with a tarp, covered with chicken poop.  As he was signing the check, the owner said, "Oh, by the way, it is one of LBJ's cars."  He was skeptical, but started checking.  He found out that after LBJ's death in 1973, four Lincolns Continentals were sold at the local livestock auction.  This was one of these vehicles.
   I asked about the color; light blue.  It is the original color.  There were several other Continentals at the ranch.The Lincoln dealer leased them to LBJ for $1 / year.  The car was definitely well used.  LBJ drove his cars all over the ranch, on and off the roads, meaning fields and pastures.  This particular car had dents and scratches and the front suspension needed to be replaced because it had hit one too many tree stumps or rocks.  The car is has been made more road worthy and when LBJ's daughter Lucy has a parade nearby she calls the owner to be her driver.  LBJ would be happy to see it being driven.  This was truly a good day.

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