Monday, February 8, 2016

Air Force One-Half

   Any fixed wing aircraft that the President flies in is designated "Air Force One".  The JetStar that flew LBJ to and from the ranch was designated Air Force One as well, but because of it's smaller size, he called it Air Force One-Half.  It is one of a fleet of 5 of these aircraft that were available to the President.  It is parked permanently here at the ranch site.  There is a 6300 ft runway nearby that was plenty long for most aircraft but the pavement would not allow the landing of the heavier 707 that was the "normal" Presidential transportation. The pods on the wings were fuel tanks allowing a non-stop flight from Texas to Washington.
     The flight crew and service crew stayed in a trailer near the hanger.  The required time-frame from notification to wheels up was 30 minutes so they were always on alert


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