Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bull # 184

Meet a Hereford Bull.  He is a show fellow.  He's used to being around people.  His days are spent in the Show Barn.  After his "workday" he is turned out into a corral to roam until the next morning.  We went to the Show Barn yesterday and got a chance to meet 184.  He loves to have his head petted.  He came closer so we could do a better job.  It gave me a chance to check out his huge head.  Curly white hair (fur?)  Short thick body.  Short legs.
      Then there are the horns.  Only the show animals are allowed to keep their horns.  The commercial cattle have their horns clipped as calves. The horns are like our fingernails and clipped and then the roots are cauterized to prevent regrowth.  Notice the horns on 184.  While I was petting 184 I felt his horns,  They are warm  I was surprised by that.  It makes sense, but I was not expecting warmth.  You can see the number.  It is burned into the horn,  Too deep and it hurts the animal.  Too shallow and it does not last very long.  The gadgets on the ends of the horns are weights.  .5 lb to 1.5 lb .  They are used to cause the horns to grow downward.  The weight differences are used to get the horns to be even.  Important in the show ring only.  
   Bull # 184 - a Good Thing

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