Thursday, February 4, 2016


   Floaters are the specs that float in your vision when you look at the sky.  As long as I remember, I have had floaters.   A couple of years ago, some large ones appeared while we were volunteering at Organ Pipe Cactus Nat. Mon.  I got checked out by both an ophthalmologist and a specialist in case there was a retina tear.
   About four days ago the I started to notice more and larger floaters.  On Tuesday, when we visited Marble Falls, I noticed that my right eye was also showing a mesh-like background.  I was bothered about that.  So I went to visit a another ophthalmologist again yesterday.  She checked my out and could not see anything but referred me to a specialist today.  So it is back to Kerrville this afternoon to get my eyes dilated and examined thoroughly.  A good thing! ?

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