Thursday, December 31, 2015

Trip Day 3

Day 3  Needles, Ca - Arizona City, Az

  Had a good night's sleep, interrupted at 3am by Quam's whining.  Got up, took both dogs out and both had "business" to do.  I don't mind the wake up.  It's better than the consequences.  A quick trip and back to bed.  Up at the usual 6ish to take them for a walk.  Then back to the house for breakfast.  Then it was breakfast, for the humans and showers before packing up to hit the road.  Hwy 95 south to Parker.  Then south and east on a two lane to Vicksburg where we caught I - 10 to Buckeye, 85 south to Gila Bend, and I - 8 east back to 10 ( avoiding Phoenix for obvious reasons).  We enjoyed viewing the Saguaros and chollas along the way.
    Arizona City is a little burg just a few miles west of the merging of I -8 and I - 10.  Reached our friends house about 4:30 and was parked and set -up by 5:15.  It was good to be parked for a while.  The trip is half over.  :)
   The truck and trailer got a bath today.  Boy !  They really needed it!  The spray and dirt and pumice gave the rig a patina that showed we had been "on the road", but it was time to remove it.  I was looking at clean vehicles going passed us on the highway and cringing.   They look better and I feel better as well.  I must admit to feeling a bit guilty about using water, though.

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