Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Traveling south Day 2

    Woke up to 2 inches of snow.  Hunter did not know what to make of the stuff.  He wanted to run.  Quam did not like the wetness under his feet.  I thought it look beautiful.  The snow covers all and makes everything clean and fresh.
    Did not leave Ashland until the snow started to melt.  We wanted to make sure that I-5 was open and the traffic was moving freely.  Also we were up in the hills behind the college so I wanted to wait for the plow to come by and the snow to melt a little.  Both events happened and we were off.
   Fog, spray and traffic up and over but no problems.  One hundred miles later we were out of the mountains, the clouds were thinning and the road was drying.  It seemed to take forever to get through it, but we did.  On the way down we were deciding whether to stop in Ashland or go over the top and down the mountain before the storm hit.  I am glad that we stayed in Ashland.  Even after a night's rest it seemed like a long ways to Anderson.
   I-5 was better than I remember it from last time south.  The condition of the road was better.  I remember bump, debump, debump.
  The rest of the trip, dry pavement, blue sky, and California.  I-5 to Sacramento, then 99.  Tried to f to find a rv park but ended up in the parking lot of a WalMart in Manteca.  Time for bed.


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