Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Traveling South Day 1

    Finally we got the last minute items loaded in the trailer.  There seemed to be three times as many as I figured so most of them got piled on the bed.  We fueled up at the Space Age for 1.99/gal and hit the road.  It was cloudy but not raining.  It was about 10 o'clock.  
    Lots of people on the road.  Sunday after a four day Christmas holiday.  People coming back from relatives in ......
  About Albany the weather changed and rain greeted us.  The rain was thick, with some fog, and road spray, and traffic.  It was not fun.  Of course the BEMs were out there as well.  Zooming down the road with not a care in the world.
   Rain through Eugene.  Passed the turn off for Hwy 58 which is our usual route.  Too much snow in the passes so we have opted to go down I-5.  More rain, more fog. more road spray.
   By the time we got to Roseburg we were out of the rain and the road was drying.  No rain for the rest of the day.  On to Ashland.  Spent the night with our good friends in Ashland.  Ah, good friends.
    That evening, as I was walking the boys, I noticed little flakes coming down.  Snow !  They got more numerous.  It might be an interesting trip over the Siskiyous tomorrow.


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