Friday, December 18, 2015


Monday was another extremely rainy day. At 11pm last night the evening news reported 2.5 inches in the 23 hours of the day.  It was an awful day.  Rain, rain, rain. Walking the boys meant testing the strength of my Gortex parka.  It kept me dry.

  Driving in this inclement weather is challenging.  The road spray, the poor visibility, the darkness, the reduced traction.  And yet there are those folks who haven't turned on their lights on their vehicles.  They are BEMs, a term coined by an old friend of mine.  TUs are "Totally Unaware" folks who have their minds elsewhere.  BEMs, however, are Buger Eating Morons who will never have a clue.  BEMs do not have the smarts to turn in their vehicle lights in these lousy conditions, even if you flash your lights at them.

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