Friday, August 31, 2012

Washing the Truck

It was time to wash the truck.  The trip with Bob and Marti required driving on some gravel.  In addition, one section of the paved road had been used by a local rancher as a path from pasture A to pasture B.  As these cattle travel they deposit goodies on the road.  I wound up having a dusty truck with cow deposits in the wheel wells. 
   There is a washing area over near the shop.  As I was spraying under the rear fenders, a bird flew out from underneath.  At least, I thought it was a bird.  It flew, strangely a few feet away and landed mearby on the ground.  It was then that I realized that it was not a bird at all but a bat.  As I watched the little guy crawled along the ground until he found a piece of moulding to hide behind.  By this time tonight he should be flying around trying to eliminate every insect in the area.  Keep up the good work, Mr Bat.

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