Thursday, August 9, 2012

I "eeked" today Wed 8/8/12

Yes I did !  After my walk with Mollie I decided it was a good day to clean out the storage shed in the back yard.  Clouds were keeping the sun hidden so the temp was low; a good time to do a yucky job.  And so I started.
   Grab a box, tote it out into the yard. Grab another, do the same.  As I was carrying a medium sized wooden box out, I looking into it and something moved.  Several things moved!  Little gray things moved in the box.  I remember emitting some sound as I rapidly put down the box, but I'm not sure what it was.  It might have been an "eek".  I'm not positive.  Whatever it was it woke up my wife.

   The shed did get clean and things put back.

1 comment:

pzljohn said...

So, what was the little grey things?