Monday, August 13, 2012

Morning walk Saturday 8/11/12

Saturday morning and I am awake by 6:30. Time to take "the girl" for our morning walk. I get dressed and put her on the leash and away we go. The route is familiar; south out the gravel service road, on the main road, which is also gravel, up the hill heading west. At the top of the rise the road bends to the right, north and becomes pavement at the main entrance to the headquarters area. I don’t know if Mollie remembers this route, because she is too busy smelling the smells and checking the side of the road for interesting creatures.  We go past the mail boxes, turn right to the overlook. From the overlook you can look down on the headquarters and its buildings, and down to the east, the rv area and our trailer.

Standing on this hill I was aware of two major things. The first was the roar of the silence. No wind, no vehicles, no people. The only sound to be heard was the buzzing of two flies and chirping of a distant bird.
The second feature that struck me was the amount of water that was before me. The amount of standing water must be double what was here in 2009. There is water where I have not seen water before. The birds are loving it because there is much more aerial activity than back two years ago. It is exciting to see

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