Saturday, August 25, 2012

Caspian Terns

Caspian Terns have recently gotten some bad press because of their nesting habits.  Because of loss of nesting locations they started nesting on islands near the mouth of the Columbia River and in doing so, were feeding on immature salmon. 
   At Malheur we have a problem with invasive carp and how to get rid of them.
Fish and Wildlife came up with a solution;  build artificial islands in several lakes so that the terns will end their northern migration at these islands and not on the Columbia.  So the islands were constructed last year.  It was a major project involving lots of fill material and machinery to construct the islands.  They were placed on Malheur Lake, Fern Ridge Reservoir, and Summer Lake in Oregon and several lakes in California.  Decoys were placed on the islands and machines making certainnesting sounds were installed.  The result---  nesting birds the first year.  Check out the link and at the bottom of the page is a link to the webcam actually on Tern Island on Malheur Lake.  You will see the decoys and more importantly, moving and flying and nesting birds.  Terns eating carp instead of salmon.  I would call that success.

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