Saturday, May 21, 2011

Guess what this is

   This is my latest find.  I found it at a place in Eugene called MECCA.  It stands for Material Exchange Center for Community Arts.  It is an offshoot of BRING which is the local recyling center.  You go to bring if you are looking for recyled building supplies like doors, fixtures, windows, etc.  Mecca came about because they saw the same need for art/craft supplies.
    So while wandering around there this past week I saw this up on top of a shelf.  I have needed one for some time.  I had tried to make one using pegboard but it was not strong enough.  Now that I have a bigger loom and will possibly be winding longer warps, I will need a stronger warping board.  And this should fill the bill.
   For those of you that are not familiar with weaving equipment, a warping board is used to wind the right amount of yard needed for the warp of a weaving project.  The warp is the yarn that runs length-wise on a scarf or towel, etc.  The weft is the yarn that is "weaved" back and forth to create the pattern.
   Setting up the loom is by far the most work in weaving.  Figuring out how much yarn will be needed, deciding on colors, and then warping the loom takes time and patience.  Once the loom is warped then the fun happens as you watch your project develop.

   Here you can see my loom and my current project.  The colors go nicely togather but it is a little darker than I like.  I tend to favor brighter colors.  I should be doing spring colors instead of fall.  This is the first item I have done on my new 8 shaft Ashford table loom.  The beauty of having lots of shafts is that you can do lots of interesting patterns.   I am only using four shafts on this project and the pattern is pretty cool.  Experimenting will be fun.

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