Sunday, September 14, 2008


If you are looking for money, head to Idaho. More specific, head to Sun Valley, Idaho and the surrounding towns of Hailey and Ketchum. The average home price in that area must be one million dollars. It is really amazing! We visited friends there and their beautiful home fits in that category as well as all of their neighbors. Our friend, Dan told us that half of the neighbors do not live there in the winter, but are somewhere else; preferably, warm I would guess.
The weather was beautiful, warm days and cool nights ( it did hover near the freezing point at night). The aspens are starting to turn on the mountain sides as an harbinger of fall.

We got back to Malheur last evening about five and today was our "Monday" ( our first workday fo our week). Sixteen visitors all before noon. There have been days been the numbers have been only in the afternoon, so you can never figure it out. Had fun today, anyway which is the goal. Met some nice folks. Learned something new about the area; up on the Steens there is an area called Whorehouse Meadow. At least that is what it was called years ago. PC mapmakers have changed the name to Naughty Girls Meadow on some maps. Anyway, that is where the sheep herders used to gather in the summers when their herds were in the high ground for the warm weather. So that is where the naughty girls would gather also. They would set up shop in this meadow and carve their names and advertising on the trunks of the aspen trees that grow up at that altitude. One of our visitors was up there in the 70's and has taken pictures of these trees. Unfortunately, aspens only live for about 60 years so most of these trees are gone, but a great piece ( get it) of history still.

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