Friday, September 5, 2008

Backroads of Eastern Oregon

Thursday R & I decided to drive to the Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge. However, I did not want to go the traditional route which is a nice, albiet dusty, gravel road. So we turned off Hwy 205 ( which is paved) at the sign that said, "Foster Flat 32 miles". The road immediately became narrow and mostly dirt. After following County Road 411 for twenty miles we came to a sign with an arrow, "Foster Flat 14 miles". Heading west, the road now became even narrower but unmistakeably, still a road. At nearly the 14 miles, we crossed a small dry lake which was more recognizable than Foster Flat. The only way we knew we were there was a small sign that said "Foster Flat NLA" whatever that is. Up to this time we have seen a couple of antelope that went the other way when they saw us.

Coming to an intersection of "roads" ( tracks, actually) we decided that Hart Mountain was south so we turned onto the southern track. Our Garmin (which we have named Emily) shows direction and the name of the road you are on. Here she wrote, "Heading south on road." We followed this "road" for 15-20 miles at a speeds of up to 14 mph. Again several groups of antelope and even two herds of wild horses. One of the latter allowed us to get fairly close before they made their dusty retreat. After descending a steep narrow canyon, we stopped and talked to a rancher who was looking for his cows. He had come to this area in '48 because he liked the solitude. He sure gets it here. Finally, we arrived back at County 411 and proceeded to H M.

Saw lots of antelope, deer, horses, and even a rattlesnake during our journey to and from HM. Hart Mountain is a great place to be if you want to get away, or to see antelope or wild horses. or just want to get your rig dusty. It is a place of few ammenities. The campgrounds are in trees, but pit toilets and pump water.

We got back to the trailer about 6ish. It was a long day but a great one!


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