Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Friday September 19,2008

Today I asked C if she needed help in the preparation for the anniversary party at the refuge tomorrow. She said, " yes. Would you run some errands for me?" I said of course and so we were off to Burns with a list of places to go and things to pickup. On things about shopping in Burns; you are lucky if you can find more then one store that has something that your need. One thing to understand about this area. Harney County is the 9th largest county in the US. It is larger than the state of Mass. at 10200 sq mi. with a population of 7600 ( in 2000). There are 2 high schools, 2 stop lights, and four paved highways in the county. So we're talking about a sparsely populated area. So now you know why shopping limited.
Getting back to our assignment, we went to ten different businesses and got all of our tasks accomplished. R & I got to know Burns a lot better, ie. where to go to get business supplies, tape, printing, etc.

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