Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Fair

Saturday was the day to go into Burns for our weekly grocery trip. The Harney County Fair was on, so there so downtown Burns was treated with a parade. It was a pretty good one for a small town. The Burns High School Band was even which is pretty impressive since school has only been in session for short time.

After having lunch at the Broadway Deli, ( good spot to have a sandwich, in downtown Burns), we went to the fairgrounds. The fair is small and kind of corny, as small county fairs are, but it was OK. Believe it or not, we actually saw people we knew. There were several of our customers, people that we had given tours to, that were there. Linda and Ron, who run the Narrows RV Park were there too. ( That is where we stayed when we were here in May. They also provide the cows for the Sod House Ranch for the time period that the ranch is open.)

A couple of hours and we were ready to head home. Got a few groceries, fuel, and zoom.

That night as we were riding our bikes on Sod House Lane, we spotted a American Pelican sitting on the side of the road. It watched us as we rode by, but didn't fly. It was still there when we rode back the other direction. I was suspicious about it's health then and was worried that the coyotes would get it over night. This morning when we drove out to the ranch, it was lying in the same spot that we had seen it. It didn't make it. It made us sad.

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