Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Trippin' to Arizona Day 3

 Day Three Klamath Falls,  Or to Hawthorne, Nv  373 miles

Got on the road at 8:08.  Really a good start for us.  Like I said it was 12 when we got up.  The trailer was nice and warm so we didn't notice til we stepped outside.  Actually, I notice when walked the boys for their morning walk.  After breakfast of cereal and toast Randa packed up and I did the outside stuff, disconnecting the power cord and the cord to the truck heater.  The Ford is equipped with a heater to help with starting in cold weather.  I had the truck for a couple of years before I discovered it.  [Actually. someone told me about it.]  It is a good thing.

  I helped Randa get the slides in and then went back outside to start the truck.  I had to scrap the windshield as I let the truck run.  I felt kinda guilty because we were the first rig to leave.  But we needed to get on the road so it happened.  The rig next to us was the pop up comp trailer so I bYummet he heard every sound.  (I can't imagine being in a pop-up canvas-sided camper in 12 degrees.   brrrr

   Hit the road nice sunshine all the way.  Stopped in Alturas to walk the boys.  Then again at the rest area aobut 20 mile south of Sacramento on 395.  Then it was straight through Reno and fuel at Fallon.  328 miles on 30.4 gallons.  That's better than 10 mpg.  Pretty good for the load I pull and the mountains we traversed.  

   70 mores miles and we arrived at Whiskey Run RV Park in Hawthorne, NV at 5pm.  A long but fruitful day.  Now rest and supper.    Randa is trying her new rice cooker.  :)

Trippin' Day Two

 Redmond to Klamath Falls  - 153  miles Monday Dec 28

Day Two started out great.   We met up with Jason and Toni at the Deshutes County Fairgrounds which was actually the Expo Campground is part of.  We drove a short distance and parked got immediate hugs, [with jackets, scarves, hats, mittens and masks.  Still, it was wonderful to be greeted so warmly in the frosty air.  J & T have two dogs, I.V and Loona who are a big part of their lives.  The four dogs had great fun running around the big open area and smelling all the exotic aromas that lingered there.  After about two hours of catching up, the cold finally got to us so we exchanged Christmas packages, and hugged good bye .

    We climbed in the rig and headed south.  We arrived in Klamath Falls about 4 ish.  Got fuel, a few groceries , and checked into the KOA.  The KOA was a nice surprise.  Close by, Easy access back onto the highway and a nice place.  Between the furnace and two space heaters, we were quite comfortable in spite of the cold temps.  It was 12 in the morning.   Yikes.   and people live here!

  We went to bed early so we could get an early start.

Saturday, December 26, 2020



We leave tomorrow.  At least that is the plan.  The reservations have been made.  Redmond tomorrow night. Klamath Falls on Monday night, Hawthorne on Tuesday. CalNevAri on Wednesday. BTA on Thursday.  The crux day will be Tuesday.  Two high spots to go over between KF and Alturas on 139, and Alturas and Adin on 395.  Once we get south of those two spots we should not have to worry about snow.

  Today Randa takes down Christmas decorations ( and there are a bunch) and I finish loading the rig  We will sleep in the trailer tonight so that the sheets on our bed are clean. ( I am not sure why that is necessary, especially with no body staying in our houses with Covid) but Randa doesn't like to leave the house sit with dirty sheets.  

   Wish us well.  I am definitely ready to be active again.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Ginger bread

This was our Christmas project for yesterday.  Randa went overboard on the decorations for her "house".  I was more creative but less artistic.  But when I put the two of them together for a photo a title occurred to me . 
 Christmas Truck Stop


Mt Hood

Randa took this photo on Dec 12th.  Lots of fresh snow on the mountain.   We haven't seen much of the sun lately.  It has been raining steadily since last evening and it continues right now at noon and, according to the forecast, will be with us all day.  
This is what our backyard looked like after the overnight deluge.  The rain has lessened so the pond is smaller but it is still there.  Boating anyone?


Monday, December 14, 2020

Keizer Christmas Lights

   Last night Randa and I went to Office Depot to have our Christmas letter printed.  While we were out we picked up supper at Cafe Yumm.  Good food.  While we were right off I-5, we decided to drive to Keizer, near Salem, to see the annual Christmas light displays in an neighborhood of town.

  Saturday evening was not a good time to go.  It took us 90 minutes to get the mile from the freeway to the neighborhood.  We slowly cruised through the Keizer neighborhood enjoying the colors and various creatures that adorned the homes.  Then it was back home to hot chocolate and a movie.  A good night.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

15 Days

 Still getting ready for Christmas.  At least Randa is.  She baked Peanut Butter Blossoms and Bonbons the last couple of days and is now making little "goodies" packages to give to neighbors and friends.  

  The trailer loading  program is sort of on hold.  I am going to put out the bedroom and kitchen slide on Monday to allow access to cupboards and closets for further loading.  Some food items can be loaded into the frig and freezer t right now.  Fresh food will have to wait until the last days.   

   Doctor visits are on-going.  I had my skin check at the dermatologist.  Got 7 or 8 nitrogen burns on my face and head.  

   Thursday I drove to the VA hospital to pick up a sleep test unit.    That night I strapped a cigarette pack sized unit to my chest.  Put a oxygen tester device on my index finger. attached a cannula in my nose (with a tube running to the device on my chest.  My sleep activities were recorded  and the next day I slipped all the equipment into an envelope and mailed it back to the hospital.  I will hear back in a month or so, but upon reading the forms that I filled out prior to shipping, my symptoms seem pretty insignificant to the choices given on the form. 

Another Blu-U Treatment at the dermatologist. On the 22nd and I should be done with doctors for 2020.   

Monday, December 7, 2020

Twenty Days

 Twenty days from now Randa and I will be on the road.  At least we hope to be.  With the pandemic ,making plans includes a lot of hope, patience, love and prayer .  We will continue to plan.  We will continue to prepare and load the trailer.  We will to get jobs done around the house that need to be completed before Christmas.  We will get our doctor and dentist visits completed as well.  

   With all that happening, we will stop keep our eyes and ears open.  We are going to be prepared for leaving right after Christmas, but we are also prepared to delay our departure for a week, or month if necessary.  Or even cancel if that is the result that comes to pass.  If nothing else, Covid has taught us ( or at least forced us) to learn patience.  To learn that there are actions that can be done and preventatives that must be performed and waiting that needs to be endured.

This photo was taken many years ago when we were waiting in line for the ferry to go to Friday Harbor.  The rig remains the same.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Thursday, December 3, 2020


 The Canby Library is working hard to help deal with fighting the depression from too much pandemic.  They have an active program to allow pickup of books and videos.  There is also a monthly discussion of a chosen book.  

 Last year the library hosted a workshop to create Christmas swags or wreathes.  The work room was filled with piles of greenery and accessories.   It was a fun day for everyone.  This year the library continued the program, with modification.  They notified patrons that the program was happening with pickup of materials on Wednesday or Thursday only, with reservation.  

I picked up the materials yesterday with the books and videos we ordered.  ( Doc Martin  Series 7 & 8, Life on Mars series 1, Skinwalker, the TV movie.)

We added some of our decorations to the provided greenery and here is the final result.  


Good Morning Greeting

Mother Nature gave the boys and me quite a show this morning.