Friday, November 13, 2020


 Wednesday was a busy day for Wall-e.  I dropped him off at Southgate Veterinary at 8am.  He had not eaten since supper on the night before.  I walked the three boys together in the morning and then loaded him into the car as Randa took the other two into the house for breakfast.  As I waited in the car for the vet tech to come and get Wally, I thought about a week from Saturday the 20th when we will hand Wall-e's  leash to Aubrey for his new life. It will be difficult.

   At 6pm Randa and I were back at Southgate to pick up the boy.  The vet tech brought him out to the car like a farmer carrying his sheep.  He was groggy so he immediately lay down and did not move during our ride home.  I carried into the house and he walked slowly around the house to get his bearings. Then to sleep.

   It is now Friday morning and his recovery is moving along.  Our chief goal is to keep him from running, jumping, and over exerting until his stitches and wound heal.  7-10 days  When the doctor called yesterday to check up on him, I mentioned that he is full of zip so she told us to give him some meds to help him "relax".  It worked.  One last night.  Another this morning.  Sleep is what he needs.

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