Thursday, November 5, 2020

Shower Drains and other fun places

 The other night as I taking my shower I realized the water was not draining properly.  Hmm.  Another project to address.  Yesterday I pried the plastic drain cover off and discovered the reason for the slowness.  I won't gross you out with a graphic description but we have lived in this house for 6 years and have never opened that drain cover.  Rubber gloves, a hook created from a coat hanger. many paper towels and sprays of cleaner and a plastic bag for the debris and the job is done.     

   But as long as I was in the mood, I tackled the P traps in the rest of the house. The kitchen  Two sinks in our bathroom, one in the hall bathroom, and one in the laundry room. I don't know about your house but the area under the sink contains a plethora of items.  Extra toothpaste, Band Aids, bars of soap not mention jars of "who knows what".  So, to get access to the P trap, all those items need to be moved or removed.  Experience has told me the best plan is to totally empty the area.  I will explain as we go.     

    Let me set the stage.   The cabinets have been emptied.  If you are organized, it in a box neatly stacked.  I'm not so they are scattered around on the floor nearby.  You are down on your knees looking at your quarry.  The black plastic P-trap is very obvious right there under the sink.  There is a tightened nuts on each end.  All your have to do is loosen each one, take the P-trap off, clean it, and reattach.  Piece of cake.  In theory.  Those nuts have been "hand tightened".  Yah right!  I had to get a leather glove to improve my grip and actually got a Pipe Wrench (don't freak out ! I used a rag to protect the pipe, but I needed the leverage.) for the nut under the laundry room sink.  

     After much kneeling, grunting, a few expletive's, much rinsing, and a full plastic bag, all the drains in the house are squeaky clean.  I feel so free !!

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