Thursday, November 19, 2020

Wall-e s Last Days

 Today, 11/19/2020 was Wall-e's birthday.  He is now two years old.  And still growing.  Randa and I believe that he has grown in the two and a half months he has been at our house.  He has also "grown" on us.  We will dearly miss him.  

    Today Aubrey and her family "borrowed him" for a walk in the sunshine.  He loved the attention.  After they left he was a bit confused, so we paid a lot of attention to him for the rest of the day.  Saturday we take another stool sample and drop it off at the vet.  There we will meet Aubrey and do the permanent transfer.  We are taking our boys with us so that they can see him leave us.  We think that will make the separation easier for them.  I'm not so sure about us.

   Tomorrow I have an appointment at the VA Hospital to get my pacemaker adjusted.  I have been told that the manufacture  representative will be there to offer advice.   It should be interesting.

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