Thursday, May 7, 2020

Coming Home Day 1

   We are on the road.  Even though we attended a small get-together last night, ( Everyone distanced, everyone masked) we still did several chores to get ready.  It's easy and fun to unload and set up.  Packing is not fun.  Where did we get all this stuff ?!?  And where am I going to put all this stuff ?
Most everything was put away. even the dish.  Went to bed early.
   The night before we begin a trip is never restful, at least for me.  So I was awake at 4, 4:20, 4:30 and finally at 5:00.  Got up, got dressed and took the boys for a shorter than usual walk.  I awakened Randa as I went out the door.  When we returned we completed the remaining tasks, hitched up and took off.  We were on the road by 6:45, a new record for us.  We left early because we wanted to beat the heat.
   Good bye , Kartchner.  Thanks for giving us a safe, solitary spot for our trailer.  Thank you for having a helpful, friendly and professional park staff.    It was a fabulous experience.

    We cruised through Tucson before 8. The temp was to be 104 today.  Phoenix by 10 -  105.  We were northwest of Phoenix heading for Wickenburg on Hwy 60.  Arrived at Kingman and were parked and setup by 3pm.  361 miles, a good travel day.  I recommend Hwy 93 for a scenic and direct route from Phoenix and Las Vegas.  Tomorrow we will resume our trip by continuing on 93 to Henderson then 95 through Vegas and north.  Our stop tomorrow night will be Hawthorne, Nv.  421 miles   Going to be a longer day.

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