Friday, December 28, 2018

The Adventure South / Susanville stop Friday

  Today, Friday, we took a mini trip.  We drove 60 miles south on hwy 395 to just north of Hallelujah Junction.  Just before the exit I turned into a driveway and visited a private business that sells wheels, suspension parts and springs, and axles.  While I was there I loaded a brand new axle complete with hubs and brakes, into the back of my truck.  Another hour of driving and it was back in Susanville and waiting to be installed.  By the end of the day the trailer was ready for the road.
    All that is left to do is to settle up the bill with the tow company.  Brian, the owner of the shop, and I spent about 3 hours talking to various insurance customer service personnel to try to explain the event.  For people who do this for a living, they did not seem to have a clue about RVs and what they entail.  It can't be that difficult if they would do studying, or reading, or maybe, RVing. 

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