Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Observations on a walk - Dawn

Actually the boys and I were out before dawn.  Not hard in December with the late arrival of the sun.  The sky was getting lighter in the east as we braved 27 degrees in the first walk of December 5th, 2018.  The moon was glorious; red with a sliver of white about 15% above the horizon.  Up and to the right a short distance as the morning star, actually Venus, shining as the brightest object in the sky.   Check it out tomorrow when you get up.  In the SE sky. You can't miss it.  Then the moon will be coming up a little later then today, but still should be worth a view.

Dawn is a fabulous time to be out in the world.  Quiet.  Dark, but getting lighter by the minute.  It is fascinating to be a part of the dawning time.  The light comes on so gradually that it is difficult to measure and if you are not paying attention, it's "all-of-a -sudden", light out where it was dark a few minutes ago.  It is magical.

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