Monday, December 10, 2018

Observations on a Walk

   The boys love to walk.  They would do it a dozen times a day if I was game.  As it is, they get at least 3 but most days 4 walks a day.  Around dawn, early afternoon, 5pm and right before bedtime
 (8-9pm).  So I get to see my neighborhood a lot.  To the east is a neighborhood being built and occupied as I write this.  When the dust settles there will be more than 150 new residences.  We walk in that area right now and the changes are dynamic.
    If we go any of the other directions the homes are established and occupied for over 15 years in some areas and longer in most.  I have walked by every home in the neighborhood many times since we returned from the coast.  First of all, they are all nice, well-kept structures.  But the difference is in the vitality.  Some places are alive.  Lit up. People coming and going.  Cars in and out.  Yards nicely landscaped.  And, in season, decorated in Halloween attire, or Christmas lights and objects.  I love the colored lights or the white lights adorning the neighborhood.
    Then there are the dead houses.  Not many, but there are several houses in the neighborhood that show no sight of occupation   If there weren't cars in the driveway, I would not think anyone lives there.  I have a house nearby that I have seen a light in the window only once in 2 1/2 months.  I know there are people in there because their vehicles move, but otherwise....

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