Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Adventure South Begins Day 1

    Our trip to Arizona is about to begin.  We have been loading for several days, but the last few days were pretty hectic.  "Did you put in the computer?  How many these do we need to take?  Do you have enough jeans?  The list was long.
    Finally, out trip began on Saturday.  We headed out at 11:30.  Much later than I would have liked.  As I driving through the neighborhood, I noticed that the trailer brake was not engaging. The digital reading was there, but the brakes were not applying.  So we turned around and went back home.  The called a local shop, Millars, and they said to bring it in.  I drove over and within an hour, it was fixed.  For No Charge.  How about that?
    So by 1:30 we were actually "on our way".  The weather was a question.  Rain was coming in the afternoon so we were anxious to get over the mountains before the snow made the road impassible.  I prefer driving over Willamette Pass.  The road seems better the actual up and down thing takes less time too.  But Santiam Pass is further north and thus, closer.  So I choose to go that way.  The pass was open with just spots of ice so by 3pm we were over and down.  Through Sisters, Bend and heading south on Hwy 97, we started thinking about a rv park to spend the night.  Cascade Meadows just north of LaPine.  As we were checking in, the manager asked if we had eaten.  I said no.  He informed us, "We are having a potluck tonight so come over after you get set up."  So we did.  Ham, scalloped potatoes, yams, buns and some friendly conversation.  Santa even stopped by to talk to the 6 kids that appeared at the correct time. 
   We went to bed satisfied and happy.

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