Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Spring Break

According to the Park Service last week and this week is Spring Break.
         Last week was quiet.  Only a couple of families stopped by.  The additional programs were sparsely attended.
         This week.     Holy Cow!  The dam burst !  We have been flooded with visitors.  Lots of families, lots of kids.  Programs are busy.  Saturday was ok, but on Sunday the crowds started coming so the folks that worked then were busy.  Our work days this week are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  444 people went toured the house on Monday, 491 yesterday, and today, no doubt, will be another whooper.  Randa and I did 6 or 7 tours yesterday.  When you do that many it's hard to keep track.
         Monday, Randa and I manned the Junior Ranger table.  Our job was to encourage kids to complete the booklets to get their JR badges.  44 badges were earned.  Our other job was to help people make badges.  They decorated a circular design using colored pencils and markers and then we used a device that made that into a pin on badge.  I made one also, but my artistic abilities are limited.  It was fun, none the less.

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