Monday, March 26, 2018

LBJ 100

   Saturday was an extremely busy day.  The annual LBJ100.  A bicycle event that draws riders from all over Texas and other states as well.  This year saw a record number of riders, 1526 attending.  Figure in their vehicles, passengers, and the logistics involved and you have a major undertaking.            The starting spot was the south end of the runaway at the LBJ Ranch.  The riders had the option of several loops of various lengths from 10 miles to 61 miles.  There were 8 rest stops along the way maintained by volunteers that provided snacks, water, and bathroom facilities.  The day dawned cloudy which kept the temperatures down which was great for the riders.  This is what the admin area looked like right after our 6am organizational meeting.  The big tent is the food tent.  Burgers were provided for the folks after their ride.

     The runway is 6300 ft long.  It was filled to the brim with parked cars, expensive bikes, and Spandex of all colors.  A very enjoyable day for everyone.

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