Monday, November 13, 2017


   A couple of days ago while I was walking the boys, two dogs ran by us.  A brown dachshund and a black and white terrier mix.  I knew these dogs.  They belong to the house on the corner in our neighborhood.  Actually they live in the backyard of the house on the corner.  I know because they bark when we walk on the sidewalk next to their house and I can see them through the opening in teh fence.  There is a wire fence in the corner of the backyard with a doghouse that is their abode.
   Evidently, the pair had escaped from their confined area.  As they ran by and disappeared around the corner a very small part of me said, "You should go let the owners know that the dogs are out."  However, the majority of my brain screamed, "Run, Forest, Run ! "  I hoped that the dogs were going to found by a family that love them and treat them like members of the family like our dogs are instead of leaving them outside in the wind and weather. 

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