Tuesday, November 21, 2017


   Saturday morning 7am.  Time for a morning walk with the boys.  We went over to the middle school grounds to allow Hunter some room to run.  It was still dark and the fog was quite thick.  I released Hunter and Quam and I strolled along while Hunter ran ahead and smelled every other blade of grass.  When we reached the jogging path we all turned left and continued.  As Quam and I were walking, Hunter zoomed by us and disappeared into the gray shroud.  About 5 minutes went by and Q and I turned onto the sidewalk that cuts through the school grounds.  I stopped and whistled for Hunter because we had not seen him for a while.
   Hunter appeared out of the mist.  Limping.  Limping badly.  Walking very slowly and limping badly.  I ran to him and discovered that he was bleeding.  Several areas were bloody.  I felt him all over and determined that there were no broken bones but my hands were stained from my exploration. 
   What to do !!  He's too big and too heavy to carry.  He seems to be able to walk, slowly.  It it obvious that it hurts but he can walk.  I try to call Randa to have her come and get us but she was not near her phone....   So we walked.  Slowly we walked.  We were about 3 blocks from the house but it seemed a lot longer.   After lots of soft words,  lots of coaxing,  we arrived home.  I called to Randa from the garage, she dressed quickly and we got the  boys into the car and to the vet.  Our vet was not officially open but the door was unlocked so we went in.
    After examining him, the Dr asked if Hunter had been hit by a car, but was no car in that area.  He had be abrasions on the outside and backside of his front left leg.  Plus between the pads on two feet, left thigh, a scratch on his body.  It must have been quite a tumble.  What happened in fog?  I guess we will never know.
    Three days later, Hunter is still sore.  He is on three meds, which he does not like to take.  But he goes on short walks twice a day which he loves.  So I would say that he is on the mend.

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