Thursday, November 30, 2017


Just came home from the computer store.  Not the big box store where you can buy TVs, Washers, stereos and maybe dog food.  This is a store that services and repairs computers, and also sells them.  Computers Made EZ by name here in Canby.  My printer wasn't printing.  Went in got it figured out.  Found out how to rip CDs since the Windows 10 update had hidden it.  Got rid of unused items.  And generally had a good time talking with Jamin, the tech.  Typical computer guy.  No pocket protector though.  While I was in there, a friend came in to bring him lunch.  He has a "retro video" business, dealing in Atari, Texas Instruments, Commodore and old video games and items.  Evidently, it's quite popular.  There is even a retro video convention in Portland once a year.  "The largest in the US", I heard.  Got to taking about Sci Fi shows.  Star Trek, Deep Space Nine, Farscape,  Andromeda, The Orville.  It was great fun!   I did learn about "Star Trek Continues", a publicly funded sequel to the original Star Trek.  Same plot line, same characters (just different actors who look very much like the original ones).  Eleven episodes.  Available on U-Tube.  Check it out if you are a Trekky like me.
   Definitely a Good Thing >>

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