Thursday, November 9, 2017


Batteries have been a focus for me this fall.  First of all, the truck was reluctant to turn over so I took it to Les Schwabs.  " You batteries failed the load $500. dollars and you will be good as new".  Ah no.  I found an Interstate Battery store and got them replaced on warranty.  :)  But the terminals needed to be cleaned (future task).
  Last week the Prius wouldn't start.  (It's different with a hybrid because when you get in and push the "On" button the car doesn't start running anyway.  The lights on the dash did funny things flashing things and went out.)  So I took the truck.
  When I got home I out the charger on the car to get it going.  Back to Schwabs  " $219 plus $30 to install. "  Hmmm.     $179 at O'Reillys and I did the install.  It was a bit tricky because the battery is located in the rear corner under the floor but with "U-Tube" it was done. 
  Yesterday I completed the truck battery task by removing, cleaning and reconnectinging the terminals on both batteries.  Starting show be ok now.

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