Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Wednesday July 13

Today is our last Wednesday meeting.  R and I have four more work days.  Saturday is our last day on the job.  The time seems to have slipped away again.  It does that every place we go.  Days go by, things happen, memories are made, lessons learned, and we move on.  Just like life, I guess.

  Sunday we will pack up the trailer, and head down the "hill" on Monday morning.  I have been doing a few tasks to prepare for the trip.  Checking battery levels, cleaning my K&N air filter, rearranging items in the underneath storage compartment.

 I was trying to figure out our route to Minnesota yesterday.  We are definitely not going the direct route.  First, we are spending a few days at Capital Reef Nat. Mon. visiting friends we met at LBJ.  Ron and Mary are camp hosts and the Fruita Campground.  That area is beautiful and it will be good to see it again.  That means we will drive across Nevada on Hay 50 which is labeled "The Loneliest Highway in the US".  We have been on it before.  It is.

  Then we will drive east and north, avoiding the high passes of Colorado, thru Grand Junction, Craig and up to Wyoming.  We want to stop at Scottsbluff Nat Mon and go straight north to several small parks in NE Nebraska and SW South Dakota before we jump on I-90 and go east.  Eastern SD is not that exciting.

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