Thursday, July 21, 2016

Last Night in Utah

This is our third night at Thousand Lakes RV.  It's definitely the busiest.  This is summer so the summer traffic here is ongoing.  Lots of rental RVs with European visitors driving them.  German and French folks wanting to see the Big 5 National Parks of Utah.
   Plus this is a holiday week-end.  At least it is in Utah.  It's Pioneer Days.  A state-wide celebration of when the Mormons arrived at Salt Lake City.  State offices are closed.  Banks are closed.  So the parks of Utah are overflowing with families camping.  I'm glad we aren't trying to find a place for the night in Utah for the next few days.  Tomorrow we pack up and head east.
   Our route will take us on Hwy 24 back through the park and east through Hanksville and up to I-70.  We will travel east to Grand Junction and then turn north toward Craig.  I am trying to avoid the high passes of Colorado.

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