Saturday, July 23, 2016

Craig, Colorado

   This is morning.  I am sitting at the table waiting for my wife to stir.  The boys and I went for a long walk earlier.  At the end of a long lane was a raised viewing stand,  I would call it a viewing blind.  There were several holes looking out at a field which now holds bales of hay.  When we checked in yesterday I saw a bulletin advertising the fall Sandhill Crane Festival in September.  I'm thinking that this is what the blind is used for.  I heard the distinctive call last evening.  It made me think of Malheur.
    We were lucky enough to get the last campsite here at Yampa River State Park at 5pm yesterday.  It is located just off Hwy 40 about 15 miles east of Craig.  This area of Colorado is ranching and coal.  Coming up on Hwy 13 from I-70, we passed signs noticing coal mines.  We also noticed a coal-fired electric generating plant.  It makes sense to have one close by.
    After breakfast we will take down and head back to Craig to get a few groceries and then continue north on 13 up to Wyoming and I-80 and easterly.  The weather has cooperated with mostly sunny days and not too warm temperatures.  Utah and Colorado do get afternoon thunderstorms this time of year so the cloud formations are awesome.

Looking back at Capitol Reef.  Photos do not do it justice.  You have to be there and experience the expanse of beauty!

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