Wednesday, July 27, 2016

NW Nebraska

   Who would have thought?  Nebraska is actually interesting.  Well, NW Nebraska is.  The Fossil Highway for example.  Highway 71.
   Let me go back to Utah.  Left Torrey at our usual time 9ish.  Enjoyed the drive back through Capitol Reef, passed the Headquarters, and east on 24.  The landscape got bleaker and turned north until finally intersecting I-70.   Driving the Interstate is a different experience.  The road is normally considerately better (except for sections of I-10 in Texas which were awful).
   We rambled eastward, Green River, Grand Junction, and turned north at Rifle.  We spent the night at Yampa River State Park just east of Craig.  A nice park.
    The Saturday we bought a few groceries and continued north on Hwy 13 which is a very nice road.  The next morning a hundred miles landed us unto I-80 just west of Rawlins.  Some more pleasant scenery and we were out of Wyoming and into Nebraska.
   Riverside Campground in Scottsbluff was not great, but adequate.  After unhooking we drove solo out to Scotts Bluff ( notice the different spelling) National Monument.  Nice visitor center, good movie, great drive up to the top of the bluff.  It's about 3 - 4 miles of twists and turns, through three tunnels, to reach the summit.  The view from up there was great.
   Back to the rv park and picked up the trailer and again went north.  Hwy 29 to Agate Fossil Beds out in the middle of nowhere.  Interesting fossils of early mammals.  Then east on Hwy 20 to Fort Robinson State Park.  Most of the Army buildings are still standing and a great place to spend a week or at least several days.  There is a multitude of activities available for vacationing families.  Many of the barracks and officers quarters are available for nightly rentals.  Activities include, horse rentals, tubing, kayaking, hay rides, plays at the theater, several museums.  A good thing.
   Yesterday we left Ft Robinson and stopped at the Museum of the Fur Trade just east of Chadron, NE.  Wow!  Did not expect such a place in the unknown area of Nebraska.  Have you ever heard of Chadron, Nebraska?  Me neither.  Huge display, lots of items, unbelievable number of ancient rifles and handguns, and fur trading info from all over North America.  Having worked at Fort Vancouver, we were somewhat familiar with the fur trading industry.  Well this place blew us away !  A definite must see.!
    Then back in the truck down the road.  First east on Hwy 20 then jog north to South Dakota and east on Hwy 18 through the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations, finally north on Hwy 47 to I-90.
AS we drove north we watched a very dark clouds to the Northwest.  Trouble !
   We continued north, watching the blackness getting closer.  Finally we reached I 90 and turned east away from the storm.  As we drove the radio kept interrupting telling us of the heavy rain and ping pong sized hail that was falling in Winner where we had just come.  Our timing was great.
   With the storm in mind we did not stop until we arrived at R's sisters house in Fairmont, MN at 11pm.  We had called and let them know we were arriving late, but they were still waiting for hugs and smiles before we all went to bed.  Is it good to be back in Mimnesota?  I'll let you know.

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