Monday, October 5, 2015

Volunteering in 2016

A couple of weeks ago our volunteer plans changed radically.  When we checked out of ORPI last year the new volunteer coordinator asked us if we were coming back next year.  We said yes. ( we have volunteered there 4 years.)  With the reopening of the back country, the park has new excitement and fun.  Then, in May, we received an email from ORPI saying that the volunteer stay would now be 4 months and were we ok with that.  I responded saying OK ( we had done that in previous years).  So about three weeks ago I sent an email to the guy at ORPI to see of everything was going along, what new info was out there, etc.  He responded that all the volunteer positions had been filled.  Evidently he had not gotten my response and had not called to question it so had assumed that we were not interested.  GRRRRRR.
   Well after a day of grumbling and depression, I got on and did some further exploration.  We thought about returning to Petrified Forest, but the volunteer facilities are not any better than when we were there.  The steep mountain grade into Gila Cliff Dwellings made me hesitate in reapplying there.   So I looked in new areas, namely Texas and Louisiana.  I
filled out a couple of applications and emailed them in on Monday evening.
   On Wed morning, while I was at the ranch, I received a call from the volunteer coordinator at LBJ National Historic Park in Johnson City, Texas.  So from Jan thru April of 2016 we are going to be giving tours of the Texas Whitehouse and the boyhood home of LBJ in central Texas.  
    We will be an hour of Austin, a little over ne hour from San Antonio, 30 miles from Fredricksburg.  A whole new area to explore!  R has started to read about LBJ.

    When one door closes on you , a new door opens.

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