Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday Oct 5

It is Monday morning and I am sitting at the ranch waiting for our first customer.  Bob, the other volunteer had flight problems coming back from Missouri so we are filling in today. 
   Another beautiful fall day here in eastern Oregon.  The days have been in the 70s and the nights in the 40s.  The transition from summer to fall was, to say the least, abrupt.  The Saturday we went to the fair was 92.  A week later a couple of days had a highs of 65.  This country is not for the wimps. 
   We start out the morning wearing many layers of clothing and end the day in shirtsleeves. 

   The ranch is open until the 15th.  ten more days.  Both of us are ready to leave.  We are ready to be home for a while.  Ready to see family and friends.  Ready to go to Costco to shop and have a hotdog.  Ready to pull the Prius out of the garage.  Weather permitting, we will be home on the 16th.

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