Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday Our Day Off

So what do you do on your day off?

  Sleep late ( like 7:00 am)

Watch CBS This Morning.

Watch two movies and have breakfast in bed.

Light lunch

Go out to the ranch for a couple of hours. 
    Measure the rooms in the ranch office for future shelves.
    Look for my Mini- Leatherman that   disappeared yesterday out there.
    Empty the 100 gal water tank that is in the  back of the truck and water the little cottonwood "starts" that are scattered around the ranch.''

  It is 4pm and I'm back and I feel that I have accomplished something.

 Tomorrow we are going to drive up to John Day to see if we can find some antiques to put in the buildings at the ranch.  Here is what the bunkhouse looks like now.

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