Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Ranch Dog

   Mollie is loving the time she is spending out at the ranch.  Prior to this time at Malheur, she has only been off the leash in our back yard.  At the ranch I started experimenting with letting her off leash when I walked around the ranch performing chores and she was with me.  It worked pretty well.  I needed to keep an eye on her because she would get distracted by a smell or a taste of some "goodie" lying in the grass.
    While I was watering some cottonwood 'starts', I let her explore around the pickup.  She stayed pretty close.  So far so good.  Then, the other day, after she had been exploring on her own, I picked her up to sit on my lap and smelled an aroma.  Mollie had been rolling in ranch "poop per ree".  She didn't seem to be the least bit concerned with her aura.  I was so I took her back to the volunteer house and gave her a bath in the deep sink.  But it is official now, Mollie is a ranch dog.

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