Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Minnesota Trip Day 2

   Left Evanston, Wy at 7:30am   The geology along the way was great,and scattered rain showers and sunshine made the trip enjoyable.   As I travel, I like to look at the vehicles both coming and going.  We passed a couple driving a very cool car tooling along I-80. 

    We lost another hour due to the time zones two hours after crossing into Nebraska.  Then about half way across the 400 miles we were trying to decide where to spend the night and came to the conclusion, " Why don't we just drive straight through to Minnesota?"  Let's do it!!

 By midnight, we wondered if we were ever going to get out of Iowa, but at 3:30 am we arrived at R sister's home in Fairmont, Minn.  I was asleep within 3 minutes of my head hitting the pillow.

I'll put in  a pic of the car when I find my camera.

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