Monday, April 23, 2012

Triple Digits

   104 yesterday. 

    It was inevitable.  Southern Arizona, Soronan Desert.  But it's still early spring!  It's April!  It seems that Mother Nature is having trouble reading the calendar.  So what's it like?  Nice in the morning.  80's by 8am.  90's by mid-morning.  Beautiful blue skies.  Blossoms popping up on the big cacti everywhere.
   We are working in the VC this week, so I have been doing the morning shift and R comes in at 1pm.  Then I have the afternoon off.  The problem with the extreme temperatures is that you don;t feel like being outside and doing activities.  I find myself sitting in front of the screen, TV or monitor. 

1 comment:

Rorik said...

Arrived at the North's beautiful. High in the lower 60's today, tomorrow 40's with a chance of snow. What the _ _