Saturday, April 21, 2012

Early Sat morning

    Woke up at 6 this morning to take the girls for their walk.  62 already, heading for near triple digits today.  Ugh!   I was confortable in a tee shirt and shorts even at this early hour.  As I journey around on the paved road that circles the park housing area and volunteer camp, I keep my eyes open.  Look for movement which could be an animal or reptile.  Listening and watch for birds.  Watched a great egret fly slowly overhead on my walk yesterday. 
    No excitement this morning.  A few new blooms on Saguaros with lots of buds, more every day.  As you scan the area, you notice that the tops of the cacti columns and arms are no longer nicely rounded.  Now you see "bumps" on them.  Those bumps are buds and soon, flowers.  The Saguaro and the Organ Pipe both bloom at night, a few blooms at a time, appearing at night and completing their bloom by about 9am for the Organ Pipe and "noonish" for the Saguaro.
    This is a new bloom for today Saturday 4/21/2012.

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