Saturday, April 21, 2012

Friday 4/20/12

Nice day yesterday.  No plans.  Day off.  I rode my bike over to the Visitor Center to see what was happening.  Checked to see if the schedule was the same.  It was.  Seven work days left on our tour. 
  Decided that we would go into town.  Called J and V to see if they wanted to tag along.  We grabbed a quick lunch and drove in.  Went to the post office, visited a shop with "Mexican" ceramics and knick-knacks,  introduced J & V to "Cheap Oles".  It is a store that sells items that are close to or past their shelf dates.  It works for some items and not for others.  You just need to read labels. Then it was Oleson's IGA for regular groceries and the trip back south to the park. 
  When we got back, we decided to have supper together.  We invited B & D the only other volunteers to eat with us.  We fired up the barbeque, had a great supper followed by an evening of conversation.  A perfect night to complete a great day.

1 comment:

Rorik said...

Wish we were there to have dinner with you.