Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rainy Sunday in Arizona

Awoke to the sound of rain spattering on the roof. Not sprinkles, but drops, large drops. First slowly, then faster and faster. A regular rain. Being an Oregonian, I know about rain. I went back to sleep listening to the drumming on the roof.
About 7:30 I thought it was time to walk the Peaches and Mollie. The rain had lessened but not quit. I donned a coat, found an umbrella stowed in the pickup and hooked up the girls. Luckily they were ready to "take care of business" so we didn't have to walk very far. Because of all the concrete in the Phoenix retirement park where were staying, much of the water did not sink into the ground but ran down the street. The problem with the city - Pavement. .62 inches of rain means flooded streets.

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