Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cactus in Bloom

The wildflower bloom is in retreat. They are out there, just harder to find. But with the ebb of the wildflowers the cactus flowers are beginning.The little cactus, the pincushions were first and quick. The Hedge Hog Cacti are blooming now. The Buck Horn and Stag Horn are showing a few blossoms but in a week......
Soon the "big guys" will be starting their show. The Saguaro, Organ Pipe, and the Senita cacti have begun. There is a Senita over by one of the renger houses that has produced some blooms already and I know of one Sgauaro that has buds developing right now. It's fun to tell our visitors where to go to see the new blooms.
With the warmer weather come reptiles, lizards and snakes. That really gets our visitors excited. Every day a visitor will come in with multiple pics of a lizard or snake that they have seen. "What is it?" is the question. so we look in our books and have a discussion and learning happens, right there in the visitor center. Learning can be such fun.

You can see how small the bloom of the Senita is. It lasts for only one day.

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