Monday, July 25, 2022

Yes, I'm still alive

 Good Morning,

  I'm writing this sitting at the table in our trailer at Cape Blanco State Park at the Oregon Coast .  We've been here since July 1st volunteering as lighthouse hosts.  It's onw of our favorite spots in the world.  The quietness, the beauty, the ocean (which we hadn't been close to in a very long time and missed terribly) and reliving old memories.  We will be here until the end of August.

  That being said, as with most memories, it is not the same here.  Yes, the campground is as we remember. ( the RV dump station is still not repaired).  But all the campsites are now on a reserve basis.  No more "First come , first served"  which means that you cannot just drive in from the road and get a spot.  It's the way things are done now, but I don't have to like it.

Secondly, the road out to the light itself is closed to the public.  There has been some movement of the ground and parts of the road are "sluffing off" in a few spots.  Cars now park at the headlands and folks have to walk the 1/2 mile out the site.  I feel empathy for those who cannot make the distance.

Third, the steps up to the tower are now closed.  The state park management has made the decision that it's too dangerous to walk up the 61 steps to the top.   It no doubt is fueled by the worry for lawsuits if someone has an accident.  Oh how are lives have changed because of the litigious society we live in. I loved showing visitors the tower.  The view of the ocean from up there.  The unbelievable Fresnel lens.  It's movement and the resulting prism effects were mesmerizing.

So we do our best to tell a bigger story, the story of the light, the story of the lighthouse keepers , their lives, their duties, the building of the tower and the house.  We try to present a bigger picture to make up for not being up in the light itself.  I hope we are suceeding.

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