Saturday, July 30, 2022

Hunter's Accident

 The woods around Cape Blanco consist of thickets, new growth, areas of downed branches among ferns.  All are make the forest fun and interesting to walk through and explore.  The Boys (Hunter and Nigel) really like walking on the trails.  The smells of all the critters that inhabit the woods must be incredible. I take them into the woods every day.  Wednesday we were on our morning hike and Hunter bolted and headed at a right angle to the path and straight into the part of the woods that has a lot of brush and downed branches.  While trying to figure out where he went I heard a yelp.  Not a good yelp so Nigel and I headed into the area to find Hunter.  

  I whistled, called his name.  Nothing.  Then he was by my side.  I checked him and saw no blood.  I hooked him up and we picked our way back to the trail.  As we walked back to the trailer, I looked for Hunter's stride and saw that there was a limp or at least a weakness in his hind legs.  We were thinking that he had aggravated a hip injury from earlier this year.  So we went to work.

When we go home in the afternoon, I took the both for a walk.  Afterwards, when Hunter did not lie down for 3 hours we knew that something wasn't right, so I tried to find an emergency vet.  The closest was in Springfield, Or about 5 hours away.  No good.  So we decided to wait until Thursday morning.

I called Bandon Veterinary at 9am and was told to being him right in.  Got there at 10.  The doctor found a puncture wound near his penis, so he needed to be put under for further examined.  Picked him up at 3:30.  puncture was probably from a stick the size of my finger and about 6-7 inches deep.  Yuck!

So stitches out in 2 weeks, a drain (down there). out next Tuesday.   Meanwhile, the cone of shame when we are not with him.   He doesn't like it and I don't blame him, but it's necessary, so we grimace and put in on him 


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