Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Wed. July 27. No Wind for Two Days

 The second morning without wind.  Very unusual.  Saturday and Sunday out on the cape the winds were 20+ & 30+ mph.  Add thick fog to that and it makes for interesting working conditions.  There were times that the tower was only wavy form in the mist.  When it gets warm in the valley, the fog comes to the coast and it's HOT inland.  100 in Canby for a the last couple of days and more to come.  so more fog for us.  Yesterday our high was 59 or 60.  We have not used the A/C since we arrived the last day of June.

Tours are going ok.  Its not the same this year.  Two reasons:  The "powers that be" have determined that it is no longer safe for the public to go up into the tower.  That was the absolute highlight of the tour.  The view from up there was spectacular.  Having the Fresnel Lens rotating in front of you was even better.  I miss being up there showing to visitors

    In addition, the road from the headlands to the cape is deteriorating enough that the public is not allowed to drive out there any more.  Visitors now must park and the headlands and walk the 1/2 mile out This may be an adventure for most but there are a percentage of folks that are not physically able to make the journey.  I hate that.  

To the right is a photo of our new family member, Nigel

Part Yorkie, part Cairn Terrier, part Dust Mop, Mostly Trouble

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